- 10 Really Helpful APIs
- QUSRJOBI (Retrieve Job Information) API
The Retrieve Job Information (QUSRJOBI) API retrieves specific information about a job. - Where AS400 Messages Go When Sending Messages to a User (QEZSNDMG)
- os/400 i5/os API examples
- QjoRetrieveJournalEntries API
- Calling the List Object APIs
Proper techniques for using the IBM List Object APIs. - Change an Object's Source File Information with QLiCObj
- Checking User's Authority to Files in Root File System
- Using QCLRDTAQ to clear data queues
- Using as400 QSNDDTAQ api to put a message / entry on a dataqueue
- Using as400 QRCVDTAQ api to retrieve a message / entry from a dataqueue
- Dynamic Screen Manager lets you build screens and windows on the fly
- How to save, restore the screen -- the quick and easy way
- This installment of APIs by Example shows how to use API QGYOLJBL to retrieve
job log messages.
- using the Retrieve License Information
(QLZARTV) API to get the processor group of your AS/400
These source modules are examples of using the Retrieve License Information
(QLZARTV) API to get the processor group of your AS/400 and display it in a
message. The SHOPRCGRP CLP and command demonstrate how to use the remaining
The RTVOSLVL command shells the Retrieve Product Information (QSZRTVPR) API.
This API is used to retrieve general information about the currently installed
- iSeries NetServer Disabled user profiles
- APIs by Example: List Fields (QUSLFLD)
by Carsten Flensburg
Example provides program CBX103, which scans a file for a string and prints a report listing the field, field attributes, and the position within the field for all the records in which the search string appears.
- APIs by Example: List Network Connections (QtocLstNetCnn) API
Sample source code showing how to retrieve the same information that is displayed by the NETSTAT command. With V5R1, this information has been made available via the List Network Connections (QtocLstNetCnn) API, which returns a non- detailed list of all network connections or a subset of all network connections for a specified network connection type.
- APIs by Example: List Object Locks (QWCLOBJL)
The List Object Locks (QWCLOBJL) API creates lock information about an object or file member and dumps the list data into a specified user space. This API provides information similar to that provided by the Work with Object Lock (WRKOBJLCK) command.
- APIs by Example: List Spooled Files (QUSLSPL) API
The List Spooled Files (QUSLSPL) API create data like that shown by the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) and the Work with Job (WRKJOB OPTION(*SPLF)) commands. QUSLSPL generates a list of spooled files into a user space. You can filter the spool files by users, output queues, form types, user-specified data values, job, or stored in an auxiliary storage pool. There are several utilities that show how to use QUSLSPL in various RPG, Cobol, and C:
- Change Library List (QLICHGLL)
The as400 Change Library List (QLICHGLL) API changes the current library, the two product libraries, and the user part of the current thread's library list.
When the initial thread's library list is changed, each library added to the list may be locked with a shared-read lock. The QLIBLCKLVL system value decides whether libraries are locked. If a library is being removed from the initial thread's library list, and it was locked when it was added to the library list, the shared-read lock is released. When a secondary thread's library list is changed, libraries added to the library list are not locked.
Authority to the library is checked whenever a library name is specified on one of the required parameters.
You may want to save the current thread's library list before changing it. The QWCRTVCA API can be used to retrieve the current thread's library list. The Retrieve Job Information (QUSRJOBI) API can be used to retrieve the initial thread's library list, when the current thread is not the initial thread. You can then change the library list back to its original value by using the QLICHGLL API with the libraries saved from the QUSRJOBI or QWCRTVCA API. - Retrieve Message (QMHRTVM)
The Retrieve Message (QMHRTVM) API retrieves the message description of a predefined message. The message description is created with the Add Message Description (ADDMSGD) command. It consists of the text of the message and other information, such as the message help and the default reply for the message. You can use the QMHRTVM API to copy the text of predefined messages into a program.
Retrieving a message is not the same as receiving a message. Retrieving a message with this API returns the message and associated information stored in the message file. In contrast, receiving a message with the Receive Nonprogram Message (QMHRCVM) or Receive Program Message (QMHRCVPM) API focuses on the message as it is sent to a particular user or program at a particular time. The information returned from the QMHRCVM or the QMHRCVPM API includes details about who sent the message, when it was sent, why it was sent, and so on.
- Get the time to milliseconds in ile c
- Encrypt Data on as400 (QC3ENCDT, Qc3EncryptData)
- Using the QUSLJOB API
- decrypt data on as400 - QC3DECDT, Qc3DecryptData API
- AS400 OS400 API Include Files
- Retrieve Network Attributes (QWCRNETA)
- API Example - Deleting Old Spooled Files
- QCMDEXC - Execute Command
- QCAPCMD - Process Command
- os/400 - i5/os API Finders
- Sending and Receiving Email on the as400 - QTmmSendMail API
- User Space APIs
More useful AS400 APIs to follow
This blog looks very promising...
ReplyDeleteHowever, many of the links on the page with all the various APIs, etc. listed, do not work ... they generate a URL that ends with e.g.
&&&& ... and this URL fails and you get some funny looking error page ...
Thanks, but I tried the links and cant find anything that does not work. You sure its not your browser?