Friday, February 11, 2005

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Made Easy -

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Made Easy -
"HTML was originally intended to be used to define the content of a document using tags such as h1, p, table and the browser was to take care of the layout without the use of formatting tags like font. As the major browsers (Internet Explorer and Netscape) continued to support more tags it became very difficult to create Web sites where the content was separated from the presentation layout. In other words, the design and content became intertwined making it difficult to make changes. The W3 (World Wide Web Consortium) created styles in response. Most modern browsers now support CSS so its safe and easy to use. CSS can save you a lot of work when designing a website. Instead of having the same styles in the head tags you can have an external style sheet to control the layout and styles of the whole website. This means you can change many elements of the entire website by changing one file!"

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