Monday, June 07, 2004

Spring and Struts on as400

Spring and Struts on as400

Over the last week I have been trying to find a way to make the as400 web development that i have been doing less "on the fly" and more robust.

Im looking for the "framework" that will give me a repeatable development cycle that I can use consistently but have the flexibility and acceptance to build and and grow with in the future. The ones that seem to match up quite well are Spring and Struts.

Struts appears to be the current front runner for building the front end stuff for the web app, and Spring is a good framework for holding together the backend.

Ive still got websphere deployment automation stuff, and as400 web application testing (currently im using Jameleon / Httpunit combo, which works up to a point) that I want to do, but ill hold off on those for a while, till I get my head round Struts / Spring

as400 webapp deployment

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